What is Task Management?

Task management is about helping you do what matters to you. To accomplish your goals and dreams, you'll need a system that helps you get clarity on the work ahead.

You might already use a task manager, but you'll level up your use of this tool with an infrastructure you can trust to help you identify the most important work you need to be doing now.

You'll be ready to move past task management when you regularly capture tasks; when you can identify the next physical action; when you have lists of your Projects, Areas, and Goals List; and when you have a system of Weekly, Monthly, and Annual Reviews in place.

Click the answer to each of the following questions:

Do you know what GTD is?


I need a reminder...


Are you capturing tasks in your task manager?

Yes, all of the time

Yes, some of the time

No, I don't capture tasks in my task manager

Are you familiar with the concept of 'next physical action'?

Yes, all of my projects have a clearly defined next physical action

Yes, but I don't always implement it

No, what's that?

Do you have a list of your current projects?

Yes, and it's up to date

Yes, but it's not current or it's inaccurate

No, I don't have a project list

No, what's a project list?

Do you implement weekly reviews on a regular basis?

Yes, on a regular basis (even if it's not exactly weekly)

I know what they are, but I have trouble doing them consistently

No, what's a weekly review?

Are you familiar with the 2-minute rule?

Yes, I always do tasks if they take less than 2 minutes

Yes, but I don't consistently follow it

No, what's that?

Do you group similar tasks? (batch emails, batch phone calls)

Yes, I'm very deliberate about grouping similar tasks based on contexts


No, I take on tasks as they come to me

Do you know which projects are your top priorities?


Kind of

No, I am overwhelmed by choice

Do you have a list of your Areas of Responsibility?

Yes, and it's current

Yes, but it's not current or it's inaccurate

How is that different from my Projects or my Goals?

No, what are Areas of Responsibility?

Do you have a Goals list?

Yes, I do!

Yes, but it's not up to date

No, I don't have a Goals List

No, what's a Goals List?